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Removing default SNMPv3 configuration on VOSS 9.x

Removing default SNMPv3 configuration on VOSS 9.x

New Contributor

Hi all,

I am attemping to set up some new 5420M switches with VOSS on them. We are using SNMPv3 settings on them and I am attempting to remove the default settings including the SNMPv1/2 settings and the default SNMPv3 intitial user and group.

Below is the configuration I am using (Sanitized) for SNMPv3 on the switch.

snmp-server location "location Name" 
snmp-server view myview 1
snmp-server group mygroup "" auth-priv read-view myview write-view myview notify-view myview
snmp-server user myuser group mygroup sha aes
#Prompted for user password here, followed by privacy password
snmp-server host v3 authPriv myuser inform

 After that I attempt to remove the default settings using the following:

no snmp-server community private
no snmp-server community public
no snmp-server user initial
no snmp-server group initial
no snmp-server group readgrp
no snmp-server group v1v2grp

After deleting the group initial I am given the warning:

SNMP WARNING Default initial group is persistent after reboot unless other snmpv3 group is defined.

This results in the group being deleted, but coming back after a reboot even with a write mem.

However according to this extreme documentation that should only happen if the switch is using SNMPv1/2 and there is no SNMPv3 group defined. In my case I have a SNMPv3 group defined and I am actively using it. I have created the SNMPv3 configuration in line with this extreme documentation as well.

Any suggestions on how to permenently remove the intitial group from VOSS 9.x?

Thank you,



Contributor III


I saw the same behaviour in my lab on releases and on 5420M-24W-4YE-FabricEngine devices:


But in XA1440 run 8.10.2 too.

Maybe the custom group needs some type of view in order to replace de initial group or is a bug.

In the other hand I thinl you are safe as no user are asociated to this group, but if you find the solution, please share with us, Ill apreciate!!!
