3 weeks ago - last edited 3 weeks ago
I don't know how to get this command to populate any information. We are using 5320's on VOSS DHCP Snooping says its enabled and the ports all say untrusted. I have clients connected but table is blank. What am I missing? Thanks so much.
a week ago
Hi Max,
I belevibe is mandatory enable at level interface to work.
interface vlan <vlan#>
ip dhcp-snooping enable
This not meaning that you must have IP address on it y every SW of the net.
Try it.
a week ago - last edited a week ago
Thank you. However what interface vlan are you suggesting? a certain vlan? a random vlan? all vlans? The other thing about our clients is they are receiving a dynamic isid/vlan assignment from a radius server. So a particular isid/vlan a client may be on is not known to the switch
As is described in the kb How To: VSP: How to Configure DHCP Snooping | Extreme Portal you must enable per SW:
- globally
- define trust and untrusted ports (NNI are trusted by default)
- per vlan in which you want enable the funcionality
So if you have in BEB, example, VLAN 10 users and VLAN 20 APs, and you want see the user only:
int vlan 10
ip dhcp-snooping enable
About your enviroment in which the vlan/isid is asigned dynamically and the SW is aware of the vlan, sorry I dont have experience on it.
Thanks again, I think this gets to the bottom of it, the clients isid comes down as a elan thru radius and the sw doesn't have the vlan defined on it let alone an addressed int vlan. I guess it is not possible. I heard about a Node Alias feature in VOSS 9.1 perhaps that will serve the need here. Thanks again.