10-13-2020 09:46 AM
Hi Guys,
just a quick and simple question :
do you know whether vIST is supported on virtual Lab unders GNS3 ?
I’am trying to setup a Fabric Connect in my lab with GNS3 and I’am stuck on vIST
I know that with 8.1.5, only control plan (is-is, ist, mlt...) is implemented and supported
The data plan should le be included in up-coming image (hope so).
any news regarding new firmware VOSS that supports Data Plan ?
10-21-2020 07:27 PM
I’m starting my GNS3 project.
Could you share your config I’ll compare it with mine.
10-21-2020 04:56 PM
Hi Miguel,
thanks again for your follow-up !
i didn’t miss those cmds, i just forgot to type them here …
there is no incoming tcp connection when issuing #show ip tcp connection
no peer shows up when issuing show virtual-list..
please tell me what you would like met to share with you ?
i also reproduce the same setup on a new VOSS appliance recently released (8.2), yet the result is the same…
the only positive thing with the new VOSS appliance is that now a ping between 2 peers works ! so the data plane is now implemented even if it wan’t yet confirmed in the channel.
10-21-2020 12:45 PM
You are probably missing this command:
virtual-ist peer-ip W.X.Y.Z vlan ABCD
where W.X.Y.Z is the ip of the peer and ABCD is the VLANID of the vIST.
You can check it with
show run | inc peer
10-21-2020 12:43 PM
Hi Miguel,
i have no dout on the fact that it is functional but it dosen’t work on my gns3 lab hence my question.
concretely when a try to enable isis router, i have this error msg
BEB-01:1(config)#router isis enable
Error: Virtual IST requires both SPBM SMLT peer system-id & Virtual IST peer-ip to be configured.
yet, peer sys id and vIST peer id are configured as shown here :
### BEB-01
router isis
spbm 100
spbm 100 nick-name 0.00.21
spbm 100 b-vid 4051-4052 primary 4051
spbm 100 smlt-virtual-bmac 00:61:00:00:21:ff
spbm 100 smlt-peer-system-id 0061.0000.2200
router isis
sys-name "BEB-01"
is-type l1
system-id 0061.0000.2100
manual-area 00.0000.0000.0100
### BEB-02
router isis
spbm 100
spbm 100 nick-name 0.00.22
spbm 100 b-vid 4051-4052 primary 4051
spbm 100 smlt-virtual-bmac 00:61:00:00:21:ff
spbm 100 smlt-peer-system-id 0061.0000.2100
router isis
sys-name "BEB-02"
is-type l1
system-id 0061.0000.2200
manual-area 00.0000.0000.0100
so i really don’t know what i’am missing !
thank you for your help !
10-13-2020 09:47 AM
vIST config is functional but only control plane is implemented.