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Extreme X440 xos version openflow enable switch error

Extreme X440 xos version openflow enable switch error

New Contributor
06/22/2015 15:42:17.61 Process openflow Failed
06/22/2015 15:42:17.61 Configuration database unlocked
06/22/2015 15:42:17.52 Cannot delete meter, in-use for wildcard ACL
06/22/2015 15:42:17.50 Configuration database locked
06/22/2015 15:42:17.48 Connection lost with process openflow
06/22/2015 15:42:16.78 2aadf024 1000ffbe beq zero,zero,0x2aadef20
06/22/2015 15:42:16.78 2aadf020 acaa0000 sw t2,0(a1)
06/22/2015 15:42:16.78 2aadf01c ac490004 sw t1,4(v0)
06/22/2015 15:42:16.78 2aadf018 1000ff91 beq zero,zero,0x2aadee60
06/22/2015 15:42:16.78 2aadf014 8d420004 lw v0,4(t2)
06/22/2015 15:42:16.78 2aadf010 <1000ffb8>beq zero,zero,0x2aadeef4
06/22/2015 15:42:16.78 2aadf00c 00003021 addu a2,zero,zero
06/22/2015 15:42:16.78 2aadf008 1483ff8d bne a0,v1,0x2aadee40
06/22/2015 15:42:16.29 2aadf004 01205821
06/22/2015 15:42:16.29 Code:
06/22/2015 15:42:16.29
06/22/2015 15:42:16.29 Process openflow pid 1658 died with signal 11
06/22/2015 15:42:08.14 ofHandleFlowStatsRespMsg(4687) Cannot find rule, rule_
no=43 for counter name = ofCount_43
06/22/2015 15:42:01.45 ofHandleFlowStatsRespMsg(4687) Cannot find rule, rule_
no=20 for counter name = ofCount_20
06/22/2015 15:36:34.72 00017|ofproto_exos|WARN|No context returned from ACL
manager (cmd=0x3002), likely when port is removed
06/22/2015 15:36:34.67 Failed to ofproto/ofproto-exos.c:2555 Config o
f_1 with error=0.
06/22/2015 15:36:34.67 Failed to ofproto/ofproto-exos.c:2521 Add of_1
with error=-21.
06/22/2015 15:36:34.66 ofAddFlowToTree(2126) Couldn't insert into flow priori
ty tree
06/22/2015 15:36:28.92 ofHandleFlowStatsRespMsg(4687) Cannot find rule, rule_
no=41 for counter name = ofCount_41
06/22/2015 15:32:08.09 ofHandleFlowStatsRespMsg(4687) Cannot find rule, rule_
no=3 for counter name = ofCount_3
06/22/2015 15:32:02.10 ofHandleFlowStatsRespMsg(4687) Cannot find rule, rule_
no=4 for counter name = ofCount_4

A total of 26 log messages were displayed.


New Contributor
I run this command and see

X440-48t.6 # ls internal-memory
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 2048 May 25 19:41 dhcp

1K-blocks Used Available Use%
126208 2124 124084 2%

can help me?

Extreme Employee

If you do a "ls internal-memory" do you see a core dump file that corresponds to this crash? If so, can you please do a "upload debug " and open up a GTAC case with these files? This should allow us to analyze the core dump and determine if this is a known issue or new.