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Mac-Authenticantion on Identify Wireless

Mac-Authenticantion on Identify Wireless

New Contributor
Hello guys,

How to enable mac-authentication on Identify Wireless?
How do I change the password to mac-auth? Is there a default password?

Thanks again,

Edson Moura

I don't need to change the shared secret that will be used to controller-->radius. The shared secret will be the same.

As above (Jason comments), I need to change the password that will be used to authenticate a device by mac-auth using NPS+AD.



Honored Contributor
Ok now I'm confused 🙂 what does this password do...

If the information in the user manual is correct then that is the shared secret between the controller and the RADIUS.
Is it to create different access policies on the NPS so if the global shared secret is used then policy#1 is choosen and if this shared secret is send then policy#2 is enforced.

Could you please explain... thanks Ron

Thank you, Jason.

Honored Contributor
If you don't use Netsight NAC you need an RADIUS server for MAC auth. which you configure on the controller GUI > VNS > Global > Authentication.

Then you'd enable MAC auth in the WLAN service > VNS > WLAN Services > choose service > Auth&Acct > enable MAC based authentication.
In the field below choose the RADIUS server and Save.

If you use i.e. Windows RADIUS IAS/NPS you'd add the MACs to the active directory.
The password is the MAC address so it's not very secure.