Hello, team,
I've partially configured V2110&NAC integration. There is a webportal on NAC, where wireless users login using their AD credentials.
The main goal of this configuration was to get an ability to see AD usernames in XMC >> Wireless >> Clients.
But now I see just IPs, MACs, Device Types and nothing more for authorized clients. How can I fix it?
Also, I've experienced the following issues during authorization process:
1) When I use iPhone to connect to SSID, it gets me to the NAC's webportal, but it is displayed just about 10 seconds. If I input credentials in this time, everything is ok I get registration, if I input it more than 10 sec, iphone brings me back to SSIDs list. WTF? With Nokia Lumia 950 it works perfectly well without time limits.
2) When I use Windows 10 laptop I get "Endless registration" on NAC webportal in browser, but in spite of this, I get access to network also.
What should I do to fix it?
1) I need to have enough time to input credentials on Apples
2) I want to avoid "Endless registration" message on laptops.
Please, help!
Many thanks in advance,
There are some logs&pics below:

It's for Endless registration from laptop: