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NAC&V2110: unable to change from Admin port to esa0 IP

NAC&V2110: unable to change from Admin port to esa0 IP


Hello, team,

I try to follow this article:

...and I can't do this:

  • EWC Connection: Change from Admin port IP ( to esa0 IP

IP-address on esa0 was assigned, but I can't select it here - it's absent and only Admin IP is available. Why?

Many thanks in advance,



I found it, thanks. Default protocol matters? PAP or...MS-CHAP?

The shared secret is in Appliance setting, Credential. The default is ETS_TAG_SHARED_SECRET but you can change it. And yes, you have to add your NAC to wireless controller as Radius server, and enable mac-auth on wlan.

Hello, Yury,

Should NAC be the RADIUS server or who? If NAC, where can I set shared secret on NAC's side? I didn't find such place.

On NAC's side I have only this and AD authorization works fine through portal. Is it OK?



Thank you very much!

If you enable Captive Portal on NAC (and you did) that should be enough. Since you donā€™t see the clients in end-system table check two things : 1. Did you enable MAC-auth on WLAN ? If not please do it. 2. Check the Radius server shared secret is correct For redirect , yes it is global setting and will affect all Captive Portal VNSā€™s configured on controller. There are no side affects, only pop-up on client ļ™‚ Btw, your non-auth and auth does not matter, in your case NAC is the master abd controling what roles are assigned (via sending Filter-ID back to controler)

Hello, Yury,

thanks for your reply.

At this point I didn't configured any NAC profiles. Only at V2110 side (Authenticated/Non-Authenticated). Should I configure NAC profiles? My NAC version is

If I switch to "Redirect detection messages to the Captive Portal", will it affect all SSIDs? Are there any side effects?

Are there any ways to troublehoot endless registration? Any logs? During this process there are no clients in Endpoints. But this for wired and with non-Summit switches.

Thank you very much, Yury!