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White Listing Xbox

White Listing Xbox

New Contributor
Students on the campus are asking if Xbox can be made to work on wireless. I've done a bit of research and spoken to someone at Microsoft and the problem seems to be that when an Xbox connects it wants to talk to Xbox Live before it will open Internet Explorer. However we want the user to sign in with Internet Explorer before we give them internet access... a bit of a chicken and egg situation. The work-around suggested is to whitelist the MAC address of the Xbox and register whose device it is. I've searched in help and cant see where I would do this (I can only see mention of blacklisting). Does Extreme support whitelisting, if so where is it? Or has anyone setup their wireless to support Xbox? Its not a high priority for us, but I'm open to the idea because gaming uses much less bandwidth than streaming video and it may help take some of the strain off the APs in peak evening periods.

New Contributor
Thanks Ronald, I'll have a play with this idea. Colin.

Honored Contributor
mmmmhh, I've thought about it.... so the SSID is PSK and then a guest portal solution to get full access?!

If you permit the XBox Live IP in the non-authenticated role it should work.


Honored Contributor
Hi Colin,

technically it's possible to whitelist clients BUT it's a global command which would mean that you'd need to add ALL clients that are allowed on the WLAN to the whitelist..... you don't want to do that 🙂

Also the list max. client count is 768 which isn't a lot in a big installation...

Solution: use NAC
NAC could fingerprint the XBOX and put it in a role with only limited access till the client authenticates on the guest page.
