i have 2 controllers in HA with acces points 4102,3705i. i have problem with WIFi with some computers i have conecction but i can surf in the internet and other cases i can work without problem
Could be as simple as a wrong subnet mask on the client or the client has a firewall enabled - in that case you also get no echo reply.
But again you've provide not enough information - we've no idea "where" your core switch is.
I can't tell whether RW_S4_Informatica is in the same subnet or not.
Is the client configured for static IP or DHCP
So check "ipconfig" on the wireless client and then ping from another client in the same subnet.
Ping from both sides just to make sure.
You'd also try 2 wireless clients on the same AP and check the results (make sure that "block client to client traffic" is disabled on the WLAN service).
If it still doesn't work run wireshark on the client to see what is going on.
Hi Salvador,
Can you provide more information about what does and what doesn't work in this situation?
Can the clients ping their gateway? Do they get a proper IP address?
Are the client VLANs bridged at the AP or tunneled back to the controller?