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Band Preference Steering

Band Preference Steering

Valued Contributor
Hello, all!

Have some problem:

C35 controller, 3805 AP's.
Clients - iPad, iPhone, Android.
11a capable clients is rejected from 11b/g, but not connecting to 11a.

NetSight - Alarms and events - Wireless - EWC[192.168.XX.XXX]: AP Serial Number 15100sssssssssss: 02/29/16 11:29:48: Assoc Req is rejected on radio b/g for the 11a capable client E4:8B:7F:YY:YY:YY due to Band Preference Steering.

Any ideas?

Thank you!

I'm assuming your using a non DFS channel that an iPhone / android could most definitely connect to, correct?

In the 2.4 GHZ I do not see a problem with that. As far as DFS vs NON-DFS channels, I would check to see how far you are from any type of Government agencies (EMS, FIRE Dept, and Police department) or Air port before enabling NON-DEFS channels.

There are FCC Guidelines that prohibit the use of these channels as It can interfere with their communications.

There is open SSID (without auth)

Thank you!

As long as your devices support it. There are droids that will not attach to the DFS Channels like some of the Nexus family, so they would more likely connect to the 2.4 side if there was no 5GHz service available.
Doug Hyde
Director, Technical Support / Extreme Networks

So, we have to choose "All channels" in Channel Plan -> AP settings?

Thank you!