02-18-2016 03:55 PM
02-18-2016 04:34 PM
02-18-2016 04:34 PM
02-18-2016 04:34 PM
02-18-2016 04:34 PM
02-18-2016 04:34 PM
Feb 18 20:13:24 cap: ru_discov_main_slp: Got 402 msgFeb 18 20:13:28 cap: 00268:ru_register.c:154-ru_register_finish()-sock=42, retval=0Looks like this problem is usually resolved by lowering the MTU on the AP to 1300. I tried that, and it didn't work. I also lowered it to 1200, still no dice.
Feb 18 20:13:28 cap: 00268:ru_register.c:355-ru_register()-Failed to Register/Authenticate with AC at
Feb 18 20:13:28 cap: Step<6>: Delay for 3000 mili seconds...
Feb 18 20:13:31 cap: STEP<6> (3/3) @ 0:21.000: Register & Authenticate with Access Controller,
Feb 18 20:13:31 cap: 00268:ru_register.c:287-ru_register()-MaxRetryCnt 1 curIpIdx 0 curIpRetryCnt 0
Feb 18 20:13:31 cap: 00268:ru_mgmt.c:2995-ru_disc_flush_m2pkts()-0 packets flushed
Feb 18 20:13:31 cap: 00268:ru_register.c:111-ru_register_finish()-Attempting to Register with AC: KEY: 75ade6271034923c565e96115fa85df0