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C5210 HA pair , AP's disassociate from one controller and randomly reattach to the backup wireless controller

C5210 HA pair , AP's disassociate from one controller and randomly reattach to the backup wireless controller

C5210 We have recently upgraded to code which we hoped would resolve this issue.

This system has nearly 1000 AP spread across the two controllers.
We are seeing AP's swap from their primary controller to the back up . this is totally random and unpredictable ( so ,so far no packet capture to sniff ) ( 180/500 swap)

We have been advise so far to increase the poll timers, for the AP's. ( WASSP/CAPWAP ) AP >Global Settings> AP Registration > discovery timers

There does not seem to be any underling networking issues ,as we have no other reported issues or concerns.

Is there a known issue ?
Has anybody else seen this issue and how was it resolved.
Can I priorities the WASSP traffic through the network ( DSCP? )


Honored Contributor
Hi Rod,

I've no answers for you but a general question... why even use fast failover.

Does the network design requires fast failover instead of legacy failover.
I'm a big fan of legacy failover and use it for all my customer installations and don't see a problem with it.
How often does it happen that a controller is defect and not longer reachable.... in that rare case I assume it doesn't matter whether you loose one ping or two till the APs switch to the 2nd controller.

We have inherited this installation ,therefore are reluctant to make many changes.. I used to install the previous version of this , before enterasys bought it from Siemons

New Contributor III
I also have a C5210 controller and my APs fail over to the other controller. What is the difference between fast and legacy failover? Is there a way I can turn fast off?