Hello Gareth, in this case it was for "surveillance" or "excessive null probes from client". I have seen false detections with this attack on other systems as well (Cisco wireless). My only guess is that it's a client that is misbehaving. Possibly trying to join an AP that is too far away, or maybe it roamed and is failing to reconnect at the new AP?
In no cases has it ever been an attack of any sort (at least in my experience). Just a domain joined laptop running Windows 7 which recently 'stopped working' without warning.
I found what you are referring to. Just to clarify, that is under
Reports > Radar > Blacklisted Clients. I didn't think to look there. But now I can see that it does show when a client will leave this blacklist on its own. And that is good to know!

Looks like I have a new victim there currently that I have not heard from.