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Does Wireless Location Feature (Triangulation) work with standard laptop client ?

Does Wireless Location Feature (Triangulation) work with standard laptop client ?

New Contributor
Hello, Could somebody please tell whether the Wireless Location Feature (Triangulation) should work with standard laptop client, and whether an additional necessary configuration must be enabled to make it happen, and in case it should work, perhaps possible reasons why the feature does not successfully locate the laptop in the room. Following details: From the prerequisites the Wireless Controllers run with enabled "Location Engine", and four AP3705i are installed, and NetSight Suite run In case it should work, three APs should be able to locate client's location outside or inside APs' triangle; maybe the arrangement of the 4 APs does not fit enough due to 3 APs are positioned along a straight line of an office aisle and last AP is at an obtuse angle of 135 degrees with previous line (oblique triangle), where the linear distance between two APs of turned line is about 20m. Maybe other reasons for not working are a too low signal between client and AP (few dry walls between 4th turned AP and client when residing inside the oblique triangle, but enough signal strength when outside the triangle (client was positioned outside the obtuse angle having free view onto the 3 APs building the angle and with successfull connection to most remote AP of the 3 APs building the obtuse angle which is part of the APs building the straight line)), or must the client run a specific wireless sw supporting this feature ? In case it should work, can found distance mismatch within used "world" map be the problem reason, because of the real linear distance between two neighbor APs is about 20m, but map's scale shows a 5m distance unit (instead of about 2m) and that is why an about 45m distance between two neighbor APs within the map (the 20m real distance does not match the 20m distance in the map) ? Thank you in advance for your support. Best regards, Thomas.

Honored Contributor
For triangulation to work the APs must be around the client = on the edge of the perimeter to locate a client in the area.

Another thing is important to unterstand...
- APs collects location for the servicing channel while provide connectivity (in service location)
- Guardian AP collect location on multiple channels (dedicated AP)

So if the client is not probing on all channels in a frequent interval the APs that are not on the same channel as the client couldn't "see" the client = no triangulation.

The map scale and AP placement MUST be correct or the calculation doesn't work / provide wrong calculations.


And as far as I'd remember you'd need a Netsight Advanced license for triangulation.