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Purview Integration Wireless Controller 9.21

Purview Integration Wireless Controller 9.21

Hi community,

has anyone integrated the wireless solution V 9.21 into Purview? I get the TopN Mirror up and running but I don't get netflow packets.

Netflow is configured in the section "VNS->Global->NetflowMirrorN"
There I configured the Mgmt IP of my Purview instance and choose esa1 as my L2 Mirror Port.

Any idea?

Best Regards

Luis, Please be specific, if your doing a tcpdump on eth0 for port 2095 do you see data?

This is needed to see the flows. To get the response times, the eth1 port is typically used to calculate that, and you need to see two-way responses there as well.
So I would show a little of what you see on each port if possible. be mindful that public IPS might be visible on any display of eth1 mirrored traffic.

New Contributor III
The issue with EWC and Purview was connected withsize of EWC virtual machine resources. If I had EWC with small amount of resources => EWC Small, EWC did not send any data to Purview (Netflow). When I have changed size of controller to Medium everything was OK and Purview started to work fine.

Doug Hyde
Director, Technical Support / Extreme Networks

Valued Contributor II

How should I proceed with troubleshooting when PV gets NetFlow reports (I can see them via tcpdump from both EWCs that create H/A pair) but it doesn't get MirrorN via L2 port?

I've set eth1 and eth2 in PV for mirror, as one is for the LAN, and another is for EWCs. Then I put the eth in a separate vSwitch (promisc accept) with one 4095 VID port group (promisc accept), where also mirror ports of both EWCs are inserted.

I am concerned about output of OneView->Applications->Configuration->Purview Appliances->purview->Status->Diagnostics->Configuration Verification:
Process appid is running at pid 7927
Process appidserver is running at pid 7947
Checking for traffic on interface eth1
Checking for traffic on interface eth2
Checking for Netflow records on interface eth0..
Checking for Netflow records on interface eth1..
Checking for IPFIX records on loopback interface..
Waiting for captures to complete..
Mirror appears to be setup correctly on eth1.
Mirror appears to be setup correctly on eth2.
NOTE - Netflow does not appear to be setup to send to this host correctly. <<<
IPFIX appears to be setup correctly.

If needed I can share with all the details of steps I've made to configure PV/EWC.


EDIT: Tcpdumping the esa1 at EWC doesn't show anything.
I am testing using mobile playing Youtube movies, with B@AP topology.

New Contributor III
I have deployed PV and EWC in recommended versions, follow the GTAC document how to configure and apparently can not see any traffic on eth0 and eth1 interface of PV. It means no flow and no mirror. Any suggestions what I am doing wrong?