06-08-2018 07:23 AM
06-08-2018 10:11 AM
06-08-2018 09:44 AM
06-08-2018 09:44 AM
The following advanced features are supported on vSphere 5.5:
o vSphere High Availability (HA). Release 9.12.01 Added support for vSphere application level HA monitoring. This provides protection comparable to that offered by the hardware watchdog timer on the hardware wireless controllers.
o vSphere vMotion. vMotion involves moving a running virtual machine (VM) from one host to another within a cluster with minimal or no service interruption.
o vSphere Dynamic Resource Scheduling (DRS) and Dynamic Power Management (DPM). These features monitor host utilization and use vMotion to migrate VMs to different hosts based on power management and resource utilization goals.
o Storage vMotion. Storage vMotion allows the administrator to move a VM’s disks to different hostservers while the VM is running.
o Cold migration – The V2110 supports cold migration subject to the requirement that the V2110 is migrated in a shutdown state not in a suspended state.
o Distributed Virtual Switches (DVS). A DVS is a virtual switch that spans multiple physical hosts. VMs migrated between hosts sharing a DVS retain their network point of presence and addresses. Customers who expect to vMotion V2110s frequently should deploy DVSs if possible.
o The V2110 has supported the virtual serial port and virtual serial port concentrator features since its first release. VMware requires that the customer purchase a license to use this feature.
06-08-2018 09:44 AM