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Wireless Controller support IPv6?

Wireless Controller support IPv6?

New Contributor
Dear All

I have question about the Wireless controller support IPv6 issue.
Have wireless controller v9.0 support IPv6?
I mean it can do below:
1.Be a IPv6 DHCP Server?
2.The client device get a IPv6 Address and IPv6 address can be see on the active client report?

If I use extreme NAC in my IPv6 network environment, can i see a client device IPv6 IP address?

Hi Harmut, I have asked the PM team to jump in to give an update. Thanks for checking in!

Hello Tamera, any response from the product managers?

New Contributor III
Just reviewed the release notes and did not found new information about new IPv6 features.

Since software release 8.11 the firmware include IPv6 support for the management interface to use http(s), ssh and SNMP with a static IPv6 address. IPv6 for wireless clients is only support in briged@ap mode and requires services like SLACC or DHCPv6 on the wire side. I think policy (roles) support and IPv6 address in the client reports are still missing, but haven't tried it.

V9.0 seems also to support IPv6 adresses for NTP, Syslog, DNS, RADIUS, SCP and FTP servers (comments in user guide).

Some information whats on the IPv6 roadmap would be great.