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ap7522e can be adopted by a wing 5 controller?

ap7522e can be adopted by a wing 5 controller?

New Contributor III
I have an ap 7522E with Wing Express. Can this ap be adopted by a controller with a Wing 5 version (no express)?
Is ap 7522e capable of changing firmware for ap7522 (not express)?



ok. Thanks for the clarification Daniel.

Hello Jose Luis,

That's not supported, all the configuration for those Express APs should be done via GUI. And it was mentioned on the article, those APs will only get adopted only for WiNG Express controllers, NX5500E, NX7500E or VX9000e.

could it be downgraded to a version 5.7 express to be able to make the configurations and adopt it in the controller?

Thanks Daniel.

Hello Jose Luis,

Both part numbers contain E, meaning both are Express, the limitation in configuration was introduced on 5.8, that is why you are not able to perform any configuration change on that AP (as it is running 5.8.4).

Kind regards,


okay. thanks for replying. a question: I have 2 models of AP7522E-67040-WR. one with wing express and the other not. Does the final E of the name do not indicate if it is wing express or no wing express?
attached image
