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ap7532 factory default ap is adopted

ap7532 factory default ap is adopted

New Contributor
Hello there..i have this ap which i want to factory reset. I used the Ap discovery tool but when tries to reset fails and send a message that the ap is adopted. Im stuck because i dont have the controller that adopts this one...what other method i can use to factory reset this AP?

New Contributor
Ty for you support Cris
So far i tried options 1,2, luck. I ve got other AP that i can use..but i ignore how can i adopt it..please advise
The MAC of my AP: 7467F7A3A674

Extreme Employee
Hello Fernando,

Here are 4 of the most common ways to reset an AP:

1 - Console into the and use the reset/FactoryDefault credentials
2 - If possible SSH into the AP and delete the startup config
3 - Use the discovery tool with reset. Reboot AP prior to using the tool
4 - Adopt it onto a controller and have it pull the new config and credentials

If all else fails, please contact GTAC for further assistance: How to contact Extreme Networks Global Technical Assistance Center (GTAC)

I would recommend you segregate this AP from the rest of the network first, then attempt whichever option works for you.

Can you log into any other AP?
Do you have a controller or virtual controller you can access?

There are other ways of accessing the AP and resetting it from another AP or controller, but we still have to have the bare minimum to work with.


Christoph S.

New Contributor
Ty problem is that i dont know the admin password and the reset procedure does not erase the password..the aptool cannot reset to defaults due is adopted..ty for your support

Extreme Employee
Hi Fernando, here a good knowledge base article that covers hot to prevent AP adoption:

After setting these paramters - please try the AP discovery tool with reset option thereafter

Important note: It is very important to note that resetting the AP using the discovery tool has to be done within 10 minutes of the AP being up and running, so I would suggest rebooting the AP and then following the instructions to reset

Hope this helps?

Extreme Employee
It sounds like the AP may be re-adopting back to the controller after you reset it.

Maybe try putting it somewhere in the network that it cannot reach the controller so that it does not re-adopt.