Hi Nathan,
You did not specify which config you are presenting.
Also you did not mention if the Mesh was established or not,
In either case the configuration seems incomplete.
Please make the following setting changes and retest.
On both devices
firewall-policy default
no ip dos
no ip-mac conflict
no ip-mac routing conflict
no stateful-packet-inspection-l2
Root Device (Mesh point needs to be on BSS 1)
interface radio2
meshpoint nateMesh bss 1
no dynamic-chain-selection
meshpoint-device nateMesh
preferred interface 5GHz
path-method uniform
Non Root device (Mesh point needs to be on BSS 1)
interface radio2
meshpoint nateMesh bss 1
no dynamic-chain-selection
meshpoint-device nateMesh
no root
preferred interface 5GHz
path-method uniform
We would not recommend broadcasting a WLAN and utilizing the Mesh on the same radio as that reduces performance (If you are not planning on having wireless clients on the 5Ghz band please remove the WLAN).
Please also use static channel and power assignments for the radio the mesh is assigned to.
In your case radio 2