It sounds like the RFDM (rf-domain manager) is not responding.Do a "show mint neighbors" and a "show global domain manager" and ensure that the device reporting as the RFDM has mint id 1C.A2.2E.C0 and is function properly on the network.I would try a...
Hi Jeremy,Version is an ok version to be on.The main concern was possible bug causing AP not to enable radio bridge mode.Glad the solution is working.
Morning winger,If you are not trying to take advantage of Nova UI i would suggest upgrading deployment to you are trying to get away from the flash GUI please update deployment to 7.9.5, the AP76xx APs will update to as they are ...
Hi Jeremy,I would try loading on the AP6522 and see if you now have that option.The 650 is one of the OG APs moving from 4.x to 5.x I can't remember but i think it should still upgrade as the AP6532 is the same (kind of model AP) but site su...
Hi Jeremy,Assuming you mean client bridge mode.Yes the AP6522 supports client bridge mode.You did not specify if you checked both radio1 and 2.I would suggest if possible to be on the newest version of 5.8.x code which is some articles bel...