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AP8533 not broadcasting even though connected to the virtual controller?

AP8533 not broadcasting even though connected to the virtual controller?

New Contributor
AP is not broadcasting even though its connected to the Virtual controller.

Extreme Employee
Here are the most common reasons why the APs might not be broadcasting the SSID:
  1. APs are not adopted by the controller
  2. The country code is not set in the RF-Domain
  3. The WLANs are not mapped to the radio. This is done from the Interface > Radio Menu. This can be an AP profile or override setting
  4. Mismatch between the controller and AP firmware versions. Please follow these instructions to upload the AP firmware onto the controller: How to upload Wing 5x AP firmware image to Wing controller
  5. Make sure that Select shutdown is not enabled in the smart-rf policy resulting in hidden APs: How to disable the Smart-rf 2.0 Select-Shutdown feature in WiNG 5.9.2.x
  6. Wrong AP SKU. I.e. if a -WR AP is being adopted by a US controller or a -US AP being adopted by a WR controller.
  7. Check the rf-domain overrides to make sure that the WLAN is not shut down:

If none of the above reasons is the cause of your issue, please contact the technical support team for further troubleshooting and assistance.