We have a network of 35 AP-310i in one building. Another organisation have to install some APs in the same building but on another network. On way to avoid jamming is to split 5Ghz channels.
I would like to know if it's possible to exclude specific radio channel from selection and how to do it ( on profile level or device ).
If using smart-rf and APs are adopting to a wireless controller (e.g. VX9000/NX), access the wireless controller CLI (Command Line Interface) via SSH and perform the following:
enable [enter]
config [enter]
smart-rf-policy xxxxx [enter] (x represents smart-rf-policy name, you can use tab to autofill after policy)
channel-list 5GHz 36,40,44,48 [enter] (the channels are just examples and you can add/delete what you wish)
commit write [enter]
Ensure that you are not utilizing 40MHz channel-width, due to not utilizing all available channels under 5GHz.
You will want to force a recalibration of smart-rf, when you have a small maintenance window.
access the wireless controller CLI (Command Line Interface) via SSH and perform the following:
enable [enter]
service smart-rf clear-history on xxxxx [enter] (x represents the rf-domain the APs are mapped to. Tab to auto-fill)
service smart-rf clear-config on xxxxx [enter] (x represents the rf-domain the APs are mapped to. Tab to auto-fill)
This will force re-calibration of the radios to select the new channel list under the smart-rf policy.
If using static channels, then you will need to modify each AP radio accordingly, at the device level.
Hello @AntoineM ,
What operational mode are the APs in, WiNG-Distributed or WiNG-Centralized? If not sure, please provide firmware version.
Good Day @Christoph_S ,
I would assume it's WING-Distributed, the firmware version is :
show version
AP310-1 version