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Extreme Summit X-460- G2-24P Core switch configuration

Extreme Summit X-460- G2-24P Core switch configuration

New Contributor III
Hi, community. Good day, all. I am new with this product. I need your help for configuring an Extreme summit X-460- G2-24P core switch. Connecting to Edge switch (220 Series) with VLAN configs. Do you have advice or sample configs there for me to help.thank in advance?

New Contributor III
Ok Ron,Thanks for your support

Honored Contributor
Sorry I don't want to be rude but that's not how this works.

I've no idea whether the config is good or bad because I don't know the network or what you'd like to accomplish with the config - there is no such thing as a core switch template that you just load and works for every customer on this planet.

It's your and my job to configure the hardware to the customers network requirements.

It's OK to ask a question to a specific feature/function/topic but IMHO it's the wrong place to get a step by step guide on how to configure a whole system.

As mentioned before you'd attend the product training for the system, pay a partner to do the work for you and learn during this process or just learn / play around using the user manual.


What reseller did you buy your switches through? What region are you in? It really sounds like you need to work with a local partner to plan, design, and build your network. I think all of us here are too responsible to simply give you lines to add to a config for a network we know nothing about. Not to mention the fact that many of us or our employers have paid for training. I'm sure someone on here could direct you to a class that you could take which would allow you to complete this config.

New Contributor III
Hi David,

Please help me for configuring core switch

Thank you

Niyas P