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Extreme to Acquire Zebra's WLAN Business

Extreme to Acquire Zebra's WLAN Business

Valued Contributor III
By now, you've probably heard the news - Extreme Networks has agreed to acquire the WLAN business from Zebra Technologies.
Here's an announcement about this from our CEO, Ed Meyercord.

You can read more here:
What are your thoughts on this acquisition? We're excited about it, and I hope you are too!


Valued Contributor
I can understand the purchase in terms of supporting legacy purple wireless, as well as entering a new vertical, but I'm less clear about what technology benefits will result. Will features be integrated into a single platform (eg NSight into Netsight) as has happened with red and purple switching, or will the two product lines remain separate indefinitely?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts James. Always good to read your take on things.
I love how forward thinking our Hub members are on these types of issues.

I'm hoping others will similarly post their thoughts.

It's engagement like this and our customer's inquiring minds that serve as input to future purple technology decisions.