With this AP, you set to, you then tried to enter the default gateway...which it didn't take:
ap02(config-device-xx-78)#ip default gateway
% Invalid input detected at '^' marker.
When you see that sort of output, it means it didn't like the command and it wasn't taken.
I'm not sure why it acted this way. From the response, it didn't seem to like that you tried to enter "default" after "ip". This should be completely valid. In any case, you entered the new static IP address for VLAN-43, but the new default gateway wasn't taken. Now the AP is trying to use whatever default gateway was already configured. I think that's the issue with being able to communicate with that AP. Your traffic is likely making it *to* the AP, but when the AP responds, its traffic is going to the wrong place and not making it back to you. (AP is sending responses to the wrong default gateway)
Then I see where VLAN-1 no longer is configured to receive DHCP. So now VLAN-1 is not usable.
I think what broke here is the default gateway setting when configuring VLAN-43. Looking back now...you should have stopped at that point and not committed the changes...but 20/20 hind-site, right?
Here's a quick handy tip: Whenever you are making changes like this and want to leave yourself a 'fail-safe', only issue the 'commit'...and not the full 'commit write'.
the 'commit' only saves changes to the running config
The 'commit write' save to running config *and* the startup config.
If you only save to the running config and things blow up, you can just power cycle the AP and when it reboots, it will load the config from the *startup config* settings...and that at least gets you back to square one.
Okay....the more I look at this, it would probably be easier to just see what the current running config looks like in its entirety. This way, I could see exactly what's going on and what needs to be changed.
If you cannot SSH into AP2 and cannot see it via MiNT, then there's no way to access it remotely. You're only means of fixing the config is going to be a local visit. Sorry.
Try to grab a copy of the running config and edit out any sections you don't want to show and post that.
We can come up with a very specific plan then for what needs to be changed to get this all working.