‎11-30-2022 07:45 AM
Hello All,
We have installed one controller NX5500 and 58 AP's, so i want to know how many wireless clients are connected in all access point.
do we get this information in single command or do i need to check every AP one by one.
‎12-01-2022 11:14 AM
You could use the WiNG Manager (1.08) to display the information you're after.
Statistics - System - [RF Domain Name] - Wireless Clients
Sort by the AP Hostname column and then click on the MAC Address for detailed client information.
You can change the order of the columns to make viewing easier.
You can also reduce the number of columns by clicking the Table icon near the top right and selecting only the columns you want.
‎12-01-2022 08:17 AM
Hello rahulkorale,
Please run the command:
#show wireless client ?
This will provide you with the available options. You can try the command #show wireless client on <rf domain name>
I hope this helps,
‎12-01-2022 05:25 AM
show wireless ap
‎11-30-2022 11:25 PM - edited ‎12-01-2022 08:39 PM
The customer is looking for like a summary which showing number of client per AP, for example: AP1: 30 clients, AP2: 40 clients, the detail of the clients will be shown after clicking the number of clients. MyTHDHR Benefits