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Is there a report that show wireless bandwidth that is being used for a single AP?

Is there a report that show wireless bandwidth that is being used for a single AP?

New Contributor III
We have the 3605/3610 APs deployed in our classrooms. Teachers are having problems with Imagine Learning and we are trying to find out if it's a bandwidth issue on the wireless side. Is there a report in the Extreme C5210 controller that will display the bandwidth being used per AP?

FYI, can't do version 10 with the 36xx APs.

EMC/NetSight is an additional product that you have to purchase. Although there are trial licenses available, and I strongly recommend you give it a go. The licensing is dependent upon the number of devices you have. Access Points are not considered in the device count. It's more counting your controllers, switches, or whatever you want to track and manage. There is a wireless reporting area in there that is FANTASTIC! Ask your sales rep for a demo and you will know you need it. 😉

Anyhow - you can still get a little bit of reporting from the controller itself. I am trying to remember when the reports got good in the controller firmware. It may not have been until version 10. Do you have a "Reports" tab across the top of the page on your controller? If so - you can click Reports > APs (on the left) > Wired Ethernet Statistics. That will show you, in bytes, how many packets are being sent across the wire. There may be an easier way - but that is the best method I can see.

If you are not seeing any of that, I would suggest upgrading to the latest code. Version 10 has some great new features and reporting is one of them.

I don't think I have that EMC in my controller. Software:
Is that something I have to purchase?