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Issue with AP-8533 connection

Issue with AP-8533 connection

New Contributor
I have configured an AP-8533, and I have a problem with an Asus Laptop, with an Ubuntu operating system.

The problem is that when the user wants to connect to the Wireless does not connect successfully and is intermittent; I restarted the AP and was able to connect the laptop but always happens my every day.

I don't know if it can be a configuration issue or if something is wrong with the AP, the strange thing is that it only happens to me in that Laptop.

I would appreciate a little help

Extreme Employee
Hi Joel,

Can you advise if you configured hide bss or no answer broadcast probs under the WLAN?

New Contributor
It is correct I can see the client, of course, today I restarted the device. I will wait to see what happens tomorrow.

If you have some other commands that can help me diagnose or identify a possible error would be great.

Thank you very much for your help.

Extreme Employee
It is show that it connected with a strong signal and that it passed the 4-way handshake.

If you enter

show wireless client

The output should show the device in a "data-ready" state.

At this point, it all looks good

New Contributor
I got the following output
