Response from support
As you are aware, current running-config from a controller (for example old RFS) would contain some specific device overrides (hostname, static IP address etc) which would not be valid or required on new controller (NX55). Keeping your migration scenario in mind, you can follow below approach:
1. Configure new NX5500 controllers (both primary and standby) with only basic config covering device level overrides (hostname, static IP address) as well as clustering and licenses.
2. Once both controllers form a cluster with correct cluster state, export running-config from primary NX5500 controller to a text file.
3. Export your existing running-config from old RFS controller to text file.
4. Now you can copy-paste config modules (profiles, WLANs etc) from old RFS controller to config file of new NX controller. In addition to config modules, you can also copy device-overrides of all existing access points from RFS config file to NX config file keeping config syntax in place.
5. Once you have new config file ready for NX controller, import it to primary controller and you will be ready to migrate your access points to new controller.