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WiNG NX 7500 Licensing

WiNG NX 7500 Licensing

New Contributor II

We are busy doing a qoute on the Wing products and I just have a few questions.
1. For HA do we need licensing between the controllers?
2. Do we need one license of the following for each AP or just one license for the controller?( NX-7500-ADSEC-LIC)

3. Are the AP licensing Pooled accross controllers or must we order seperate licesing for each controller per AP?

Thanks for your time.



New Contributor II
1. You don't need any license for HA (cluster).
2. The advanced secure license you need per NX, but most installation don't need this.
3. across controllers, buy on license activated on one NX, shared via cluster. But cluster net to be running, if license device is offline for more than 120 days (I think?) or you reconfigure some stuff in the cluster, license is removed till licensed devices is active again. But never get problems with this.

Extreme Employee
Hi Cornel, The Advanced Security license enables the Role Based
firewall and increases the number of IP Sec VPN tunnels. The
maximum number of IP Sec VPN tunnels varies by platform.

Best regards

New Contributor II
Thanks for the quick responce.
Enjoy your day