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Can the SecureStacks & D/G/I-Series do IGMP Snooping or Querying?

Can the SecureStacks & D/G/I-Series do IGMP Snooping or Querying?

Extreme Employee
Article ID: 6950

SecureStack C3, C2, B3, B2, A2

IGMP Snooping.
IGMP Querying.
Multicast support.

All of these products support IGMP Snooping (scoping of multicast traffic to only the VLAN's subscribing ports) at layer 2.

Sample configuration:C2(rw)->set igmpsnooping adminmode enable [Enable L2 Snooping]
C2(rw)->set igmpsnooping interfacemode fe.1.1 enable [Port-enable L2 Snooping]Also see this HowTo Video which demonstrates how to enable IGMP Snooping.

The subset of routing-capable products support IGMP Querying (periodic "keep-alive" process to determine active subscribers) at layer 3.

Sample configuration:C2(rw)->router
Enter configuration commands:
C2(rw)->router(Config)#ip igmp [Enable L3 Querying]
C2(rw)->router(Config)#interface vlan 2
C2(rw)->router(Config-if(Vlan 2))#ip igmp enable [Interface-enable L3 Querying]
C2(rw)->router(Config-if(Vlan 2))#exit
C2(rw)->This is the detail of the features supported by each product, and the minimal firmware version required for that support. Lower firmware versions also support IGMP, but with lesser capabilities.
  • SecureStack C3, firmware 1.00.80 and higher
      IGMP v1/v2/v3 Snooping (up to 256 multicast groups)
        IGMPv2/v3 Querying
      • SecureStack C2, firmware 5.00.59 and higher
          IGMP v1/v2/v3 Snooping (up to 256 multicast groups)
            IGMPv2/v3 Querying
          • SecureStack B3, firmware and higher
              IGMP v1/v2/v3 Snooping (up to 256 multicast groups)
                IGMPv2/v3 Querying
              • SecureStack B2, firmware 4.00.60 and higher
                  IGMP v1/v2/V3 Snooping (up to 256 multicast groups)
                • SecureStack A2, firmware and higher
                    IGMP v1/v2/v3 Snooping (up to 256 multicast groups)
                  • D-Series, all firmware
                      IGMP v1/v2/v3 Snooping (up to 256 multicast groups)
                    • G-Series, all firmware
                        IGMP v1/v2/v3 Snooping (up to 256 multicast groups)
                          IGMPv2/v3 Querying
                        • I-Series, all firmware
                            IGMP v1/v2/v3 Snooping (up to 256 multicast groups)
                          Note1: For these products, Snooping and Querying are not supported simultaneously.
                          • If IGMP Snooping is configured then an external device must provide the IGMP Querier function.
                          • If IGMP Querying (or DVMRP multicast routing) is configured then IGMP Snooping is non-functional. No multicast pruning will occur within the router - so all such multicast traffic will be flooded to all its VLAN's ports. If multicast traffic is passing through the unit/stack, the lack of local multicast pruning has the potential to increase CPU Utilization and diminish the performance of other traffic types. It is thus important to fully evaluate this setup in a lab environment before deeming it to be sufficiently robust for your production environment.
                          Note2: C5/B5 firmware and higher supports a L2 Querier function providing enhanced multicast functionality.

                          For more about the extensive L2 and L3 IGMP command sets, please refer to the Configuration Guide associated with your product and firmware version.
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