Article ID: 16085
IdentiFi Wireless Controller, firmware through
WS-C20, WS-C25, WS-C4110, WS-C5110, WS-C5210, WS-V2110
NetSight Wireless Manager
NetSight OneView
Upgraded firmware to somewhere within the range of through
The upgrade operation has elicited "
" error messages in the Tech Support
file; for example:
code:Jan 28 18:30:47 CET 2014 C5110 Upgrading From Release 8_32
code:Jan 28 18:35:34 CET 2014 Successfully Restored the Internal Configuration
code:C5110:topology# "no change"
code:Error: unrecognized command "no change".
code:C5110:topology# name "no change"
code:Error: unrecognized command "name".
code:C5110:topology# dynamic-egress enable
code:Error: unrecognized command "dynamic-egress".
code:Error: unrecognized command "l2".
code:Jan 28 18:36:26 CET 2014 Successfully Restored the Configuration
code:Jan 28 18:36:33 CET 2014 Successfully Imported Special Configuration
The controller's Topology list includes one with Topology Name "
" and Mode value "
" or "
The "
" topology has been added by the system, rather than by a user.
NetSight Wireless Manager sees the "
" topology as being invalid, so NWM cannot sync with the controller, and NetSight OneView cannot pull the controller's (and its APs') statistics from the NetSight server.
Upgrade to firmware or higher.
Release notes state, in the '
code:Changes in
' section:
code:Corrected an issue that would cause a "no change" topology to be added to the "Active Clients by VNS" report.
Pre-upgrade workaround: Manually delete the "
" topology.