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NetSight Console - Changing CLI passwords on switches

NetSight Console - Changing CLI passwords on switches

Extreme Employee
Article ID: 13131

NetSight Console

Use NetSight Console to set or change the CLI commands for a switch. For example, you will be able to change the CLI passwords or setup SNMPv3 on one or more switches.

NetSight Console 3.3 includes a new feature that will allow CLI commands to be entered on a switch or group of switches.

1. Select Tools -> Authorization/Device Access.
2. Change to the Profile/Credential tab.
3. Change to the CLI Credentials tab.
4. Either 'Add a new CLI Credential' or Edit the existing one to match the username/password/telnet/ssh information for the switches.
5. Edit the SNMP Profile that is used for the switch. There will be an option for the CLI Credential to use. Select the appropriate one for the devices.
6. Right click on the device(s) that you want to change and select Execute Command Script.
7. In the top window you will need to enter the CLI commands. This will differ among switches. Please refer to the appropriate CLI Configuration guide when creating the scripts.
8. Save the script by clicking on the Save Script to File button (disk button).
9. Click the Execute button to run the script against the switches listed in the Devices window.

You will see the results of each telnet/ssh session and also be able to save the results if you wish.