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Using S-Series Chassis USB Ports to Upgrade Firmware

Using S-Series Chassis USB Ports to Upgrade Firmware

Extreme Employee
Article ID: 12740

S1, S3, S4, S6, S8

Upgrade the S-Series 1, 3, 4, 6, or 8 slot chassis using a USB drive (aka "USB stick" or "Thumb drive") as a firmware file source.

For USB file transfer:

  1. Transfer the new firmware file image to a USB drive. For ready identification purposes the standard convention is to name the file as the firmware version it represents (e.g. "").
  2. Plug the USB drive into one of the USB ports on the S-Series chassis (12453), and it will then auto-mount.
  3. Display the location and name of the firmware file you wish to copy from the USB drive to the system ('dir slotx/usb2', 12452).
  4. Copy the firmware file from the USB drive to the S-Series images directory ('copy slotx/usb2/<USB filename> <same Image filename>'). The system identifies it as a firmware file by its header, and places it into the images directory of all slot modules in the distributed system/chassis. If instead the user specifies a destination directory (e.g. slotx), the file will be treated as would a configuration file (12452), and cannot be used as a boot image from that location.
  5. Confirm that the file now resides as one of the "Images:" on the S-Series ('dir', 12452).
  6. Remove the USB drive from the S-Series port as desired.
To upgrade using this file:

  1. Set the new system image file as the source of the next boot image ('set boot system <Image filename>').
  2. When asked if a reset is desired, answer yes or no. The upgrade will only occur upon reset.
Traditional TFTP/FTP is also supported.