03-17-2021 09:03 AM
As the VSP4900 / X465 are also scaled as ToR and Aggregation Devices, it would be very helpful to have the choice in airflow-direction.
This device are currently only available in front-to-back airflow.
If you choose a VSP 4900 als ToR or in Case of 12+12 of combined ToR & Aggregation you have the wrong airflow, when it is required to place the switch on the warm-side.
If you need back-to-front airflow you need, much bigger and/or older devices wich costs much more and in case of the VSP4900 12+12 you need at least 2 switches for same setup, which is also much more expensive.
03-18-2021 02:39 PM
we do not plan to add B2F capability for X465/VSP4900, however next gen Universal HW switches in this category will have it.