I have a bit of confusion around the configuration of the design on a network we have built.
We have four sites, connected by 2 * 10 gig fibre runs.
2 of the sites (2 and 4) are then connected via their own 2 * 10 gig fibre runs for additional resiliency. These will be used as common / shared eaps ports, allowed with the advanced edge license.
All inter site connectivity is currently configured using LACP
Each site has 2 * X620 10 gig switches with an Advanced core license.
The 2 switches at each site are connected to each other via 4 * 10 gig MLAG with an ISC vlan.
VMANS will be used around the ring as we are supplying transit to a number of smaller ISPs.
No layer 3 services are presented on any switches, nor are any layer 2 routing services.

Stacking between switching at each site is not an option as we are expecting between 20-30 gig to be used on each switch with servers at each location.
Is EAPS/LACP the right option? We need hardware redundancy so plugging all ports into a single switch is not workable.
I can't think of another way of doing it without EAPS and LACP however every solution I can think of ends up with some form of loop.
I was thinking just mapping eaps across the top switch and bottom switch, and not including across the MLAG in effect making them seperate switching platforms however there would likely still be possible loops.
If you have any ideas on this that would be great, we have customers needing this up reasonably urgently but I don't want to put in a solution that's not going to work quite right.
-Brent Addis / Extreme Black Belt #491
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