03-17-2021 06:42 PM
Anyone else here, want the ability to say how high up each AP is installed? and also whether its mounted on a wall or a ceiling?
I know I do.
We can have two offices here with different ceiling heights, and being stuck with setting a single height cant produce as accurate as possible heatmaps, can it?
Also, if its mounted on a wall, vertically, it has got to have a different heatmap than if it was mounted on a ceiling horizontally, right?
I cant be the first to ask this, so is there a chance this will ever happen? Heatmaps are very, very useful for helping to diagnose and troubleshoot potential issues, and I know having the above would probably help us out more.
i wasn't even told how important heatmaps were, and only found out after going through hell issues, which have thankfully been resolved. But now I have quite a few of my building plans done, those heatmaps have helped me understand some complex issues.
Anyone else curious about this?
03-18-2021 01:16 PM
That does sound like a useful feature, I’d encourage you to submit a feature request with your local SE. The more requests we get for a certain feature, the more of a priority we can make developing that feature. If you’re unsure who to reach out to for your SE, please let me know generally where you are located and I will find a local contact for you to speak with.
03-17-2021 06:55 PM
Network Plan 360 in Extreme IQ. once you upload the floor plans, then draw them out, place the AP’s.
03-17-2021 06:52 PM
To be sure. Which product are you talking about?
For example in XMC Floorplans you can set high, direction and mounting position.
Are you talking about XIQ?