03-17-2021 06:42 PM
Anyone else here, want the ability to say how high up each AP is installed? and also whether its mounted on a wall or a ceiling?
I know I do.
We can have two offices here with different ceiling heights, and being stuck with setting a single height cant produce as accurate as possible heatmaps, can it?
Also, if its mounted on a wall, vertically, it has got to have a different heatmap than if it was mounted on a ceiling horizontally, right?
I cant be the first to ask this, so is there a chance this will ever happen? Heatmaps are very, very useful for helping to diagnose and troubleshoot potential issues, and I know having the above would probably help us out more.
i wasn't even told how important heatmaps were, and only found out after going through hell issues, which have thankfully been resolved. But now I have quite a few of my building plans done, those heatmaps have helped me understand some complex issues.
Anyone else curious about this?
03-18-2021 02:07 PM
If you click the Edit button by the floor name on the left hand side of Cloud IQ, you can set AP installation height per floor there. When you create your floor map, image etc, it is there too.
03-18-2021 01:53 PM
Thanks Brian. Also being able to set individual heights per AP (or set it globally if you have a building with all the same ceiling heights).
03-18-2021 01:37 PM
I 2nd the ap orientation feature :).
03-18-2021 01:33 PM
Have you ever thought to have this feature request thing within the community page (here basically)? Its just if we submit a feature request via email to our SE, we never know the status of that request, and whether other people have asked for the same feature. Know what i mean?
Thanks, Jason.
03-18-2021 01:30 PM
I think I may know who it is. But I have no problem saying who and where we are, so you could check that (Thank you for this, appreciated). I work for Community School of Naples, in Naples, Florida.
I think the persons name is Adam Clegg, but in checking my emails, he had included a couple of other people, so it may be one of them (im really not sure, and so you will clear that up for me) who is the SE (sales engineer, support engineer, ? sorry, not sure what SE stands for.
Thanks again Sam.
Best, Jason.