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IP connectivity

IP connectivity

New Contributor
I am trying to connect switch using management port. The ip assigned to management port can be pinged but when i ping the default gateway it is not pingable.. that is switch is not reachable. Please tell me how to solve the problem.


More information would be good.

It mostly sounds like you may not be aware that there are 2 vr's on the switch by default the management port is in the management vr and all other ports are in the default vr.

If you are trying to do what I think you are trying to do you need a route to bridge traffic from one vr to the other.

Best of luck

Can you route traffic from one vr to another? I missed that one... And for some reason everything I type seems angry and short... I am not trying to sound like a d!ck... it is early maybe my language system hasn't booted completely

Extreme Employee
Try ping vr vr-mgmt

New Contributor
What are you pinging from? How are things connected? What is the gateway conected to? Draw a picture and post it. We literally could not have less information than what you posted with... my assumption at this time is that you don't understand the characteristics of the management port, and the management virtual router. One thing worth noting is that ip routes can be assigned to a vr...