Create Date: Aug 23 2012 8:29AM
I am writing a 'default' config script, basically to apply all of our default settings for a switch.
What i would like to do, but can do without, is to prompt the users for a number and assign that number as the IP of the switch.
command equiv:
configure vlan VLAN-Default ipa 192.168.1.X
I know i can make a variable and think i could apply the variable to the command, however i am not sure if it is possible to interupt a script to ask for input / resume script.
I want to know if during a script i can prompt the user to enter a number and apply that number to X / then execute that command and move on.
Alternatively I can tell users to just edit the script each time and change the IP to whatever it needs to be (not use a variable). I want to IP the switch as part of the general config so that i can also add default route, dns, etc (at least the default route won't enter until the vlan is IP'd).
(from Nick_Lindhag)