12-11-2023 11:02 AM
I am writing workflow scripts that use the VLAN list for a site, but I was surprised to see that what I get when I do an NBI query doesn't match what I get when I browse site Engine on the web access.
my Query is to find the vlans from sitedata for a device:
query{ network { device(ip:"") { siteData { vlans { name vid } }} }}
I got 35 VLANs in the NBI query, but when I go to Site Engine and under the site (VRF/VLAN tab) I get 57 VLANs.
I then confirmed by listing the site VLANS:
query{ network { sites { siteName vlans {name }}}}
and manually went to the specific site and I saw that I got same result, NBI query has less vlans.
Any idea why the difference?
01-22-2024 03:19 AM
please crosscheck if the site path is the same
{ network { device(ip: ""){ sitePath, siteData { vlans { name, vid } } } } }
{ network { siteByLocation (location: "/World/Local"){ vlans { name, vid} } } }
If it still true what you claim, than please open a GTAC ticket.
01-22-2024 06:50 AM
Thanks, yes seems to be an issue. Case open.