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Row security policies disregard user ID changes after inlining; PostgreSQL could permit incorrect policies to be applied in certain cases where role-specific policies are used and a given query is planned under one role and then executed under other roles. This scenario can happen under security definer functions or when a common user and query is planned initially and then re-used across multiple SET ROLEs. Applying an incorrect policy may permit a user to complete otherwise-forbidden reads and modifications. This affects only databases that have used CREATE POLICY to define a row security policy.

Products not listed in the Products Potentially Affected section have not been evaluated. Furthermore, products that have exceeded any software maintenance time periods are also not evaluated and will not be published. Please consult End of Sale and End of Service Life - Extreme Networks for the EOL notices related to the product under question.

Products Potentially Affected

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Repair Recommendations



Please see the full Security Advisory article here for more details and updated information.