That is correct. The Log Policy can be configured to delete the files after 30-days (using your example), but the only items that will be deleted are the /opt/dragon/DB//dragon.db (or the files if you configure those files to be deleted). Any files that are compressed would not be deleted in this manner by this utility. Using your example, you would have 2 copies of data for each day: one for the default location, and another of the days worth of events compressed by your script. This could compound your diskspace issue, especially if you have a day where a lare amount of events are generated. One thing you may want to consider is to have the Log Policy utility compress these database files if they are older than 30-days rather than delete. Than you can create your script to periodically check diskspace, and delete (or move to a different location/machine) these compressed files according to their age, size, age, etc.