Hi, Thank you for posting. The dragon.db files contain the raw data of the events that occurred on that specific day. These files can also be used to repopulate the mysql database with event data. Within Dragon, there is a utility that can be used to archive or delete these files based on event age. Within Dragon v7.x, this utility is accessed through the Tools menu and is called 'Set Default Log Policy'. This will pop up a window that allows a user to define a specific event retention rate (in days), and whether to compress or delete these dragon.db files when this age is reached for that dragon.db file. For example, you can confirm this utility to compress all dragon.db files that are older than 30 days, or delete all dragon.db files older than 360 days, etc. This tool also exists in Dragon v8.x, under the 'Options --> Log/Data Policy' view in the web interface. This utility can also be used to manage the debug logs in the /opt/dragon/logs directory. This log archive/delete utility is documented in each versions Dragon Configuration Guide for your convenience as well. Is this the information you were looking for?