# disabl vlan v100
Error: VLAN v100 cannot be disabled because it is actively used by an L2 Protocol
What does this mean ?
How to stop traffic from passing this vlan ?
ExOS is summitX-
Examples are from ACL Solutions Guide
What is wrong with this ACLs ?
* sw2.g50.kv.38 # edit policy l2pt-cdp-inentry cdp_pdu {
if {
ethernet-destination-address 01:00:0c??cc:cc ;
snap-type 0x2000 ;
} then {
So ,snmp counter is overflowed after ~ 497 days. How to deal with this ?
snmpwalk -v 2c -c XXXXXX sw2.g50.kv
DISMAN-EVENT-MIB::sysUpTimeInstance = Timeticks: (56035204) 6 days, 11:39:12.04
sw2.g50.kv.7 # show version | i ImageImage ...
Here is document http://extrcdn.extremenetworks.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/ExtremeXOS_Native_Application_SDK.pdf
There described how we can write, compile, install and run native application on ExtremeOS.
So, where can we download that ...
I want to execute UPM after every LOOP detect without Queue.
Now, I see couple of loops , but UPM executes with Queue.
07/22/2015 16:58:08.98 [CLI:v3000:4] LOOP DETECTED : 3241 transmited, 177 received, ingress slot:port (3) egress slot:po...
ok, dispite the exmples are from EN official doc, I'll try
* sw2.g50.kv.1 # edit policy l2pt-cdp-outentry cdp_pdu {
if {
ethernet-destination-address 01:00:0c?cd:d0 ;
# snap-type 0x2000 ;
} then {
replace-ethernet-destination-address 01:00:0c?...
Yes, I've done it. But in that archive no toolchain, no source examples.
If there is no SDK with toolchain , than what for that document on documentation page ?
Hi, Daniel.
You dont understand what I need, reread please my posts.
1) blocking another port will not help me cause loop is on port you calling uplink, and not on port but rather on one or couple vlans.
You may call ot Downlink as well. The loop ...