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since ‎09-07-2021

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# disabl vlan v100 Error: VLAN v100 cannot be disabled because it is actively used by an L2 Protocol What does this mean ? How to stop traffic from passing this vlan ?
ExOS is summitX- Examples are from ACL Solutions Guide What is wrong with this ACLs ? * sw2.g50.kv.38 # edit policy l2pt-cdp-inentry cdp_pdu { if { ethernet-destination-address 01:00:0c??cc:cc ; snap-type 0x2000 ; } then { r...
So ,snmp counter is overflowed after ~ 497 days. How to deal with this ? snmpwalk -v 2c -c XXXXXX sw2.g50.kv DISMAN-EVENT-MIB::sysUpTimeInstance = Timeticks: (56035204) 6 days, 11:39:12.04 sw2.g50.kv.7 # show version | i ImageImage ...
Hello! Here is document There described how we can write, compile, install and run native application on ExtremeOS. So, where can we download that ...
Hello! I want to execute UPM after every LOOP detect without Queue. Now, I see couple of loops , but UPM executes with Queue. 07/22/2015 16:58:08.98 [CLI:v3000:4] LOOP DETECTED : 3241 transmited, 177 received, ingress slot:port (3) egress slot:po...