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since ‎09-07-2021

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X670 After adding another port and vlan to mirror all CLI stopped working - partially. * X670-48x.5 # show mirror BlackHoleMIR (Enabled) Description: Mirror to port: 3 Source filter instances used : 5 Port 4...
Hi, X670 with XOS - started to act quite weird. It stopped to forward some packets from some mac addresses. We use port mirroring - and i heard that sometimes - xos starts to lose random traffic when using old firmware. We rebooted - and...
Hi, i am wondering how to catch multiple vlan id's in one if. Is it possible to do sth like -> ACL-P4-IN entry POLICE-TEST { if match any { vlan-id 1007 vlan-id 1008; } then { permit ;...
Hi i found out that on Summit 400-24t - there is 16 session limit for ELRP periodic client. Is there any limit for x450 running XOS 12.4 - or x450a running 15.3 ? Is this limit based on OS or on hardware? Im wondering what can it be on x250 with 15...
Hi is it possible to force 1G negotiation using x670 and 1/10G SFP+ ?