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since ‎09-07-2021
2 weeks ago

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We are currently working with some AP's 510C and 510CX, those Ap's are conected to SW x450-G2 and 5320 with capability of POE+, the customer recently ask us to work with Lag's between the Ap's and SW, however we are not able to do a funtional configu...
We recently installed some VSP8600 in version, however we are not able to manage the SW via SNMP or SSH, the workaround of the "MGMT-CLIP" that we have used in 7400 does not work, any advice? 
I am currently in the task of detecting the duplication of IPs in endpoints (Laptops)  in a CORE X670 and being able to alert the XMC through SNMP, however I have not been able to detect it through "ip-security arp gratuitous-protection" or through "...
I have the need for some VSPs that are in the Vist scheme, to be able to detect duplicity of IP for a vlan that they are GW with RSMLT, we did a test with spoof detected, however it only works when an endpoint has the same ip as RSMLT or VRRP
I am currently working with sw 9150, in which I need to divide the interfaces from 40Gb to 4x10Gb with the use of a "DAC", however I wonder how these sub-interfaces are created, example "ethernet 0/49 in ethernet 0/49:1"