We have 12 AP6522 and a RFS4000 Wireless Controller. All of them are in version The peripherals connected to the AP are 25 MC90XX.
Since september, we started to check the logs of the AP and I need some help to u...
Yes, the channel plan and CCI are good.
For the SNR too. There a pertubation an AP and the controller. For the rest of the AP, there is no noise.
The intervention was carry out by a Wireless specialist.
We get an intervention to check the Wifi signal and the strengh is good on the entire warehouse. The AP cover very well the building.
For the pocket capture, did you advice me a soft in particular ?
Thanks for additional information.
Do you know this alert : KERN-3-ERR: 0| bridge.c:1598 Warning: Filtering MAC address 00-00-00-00-00-00 on vlan 1 port up1 from FDB ?
I can't find a good explanation. I see a similar message in the FAQ but...
Thank you, I had a file but I don't look at the FAQ for the reason code. It 's similar to my file content.
Could you give some explanation of some terms like "group-key handshake" or "ess" ? I search for "group-key handshake". I see it's a communica...