Hello Julian,
We had a similar issue with IPv4, L3 VPN and L2 VPN (VPLS and VPWS) on our BD8K. According to TAC it is caused by ECMP. The issue is being investigated by TAC, and we've been sugested to disable ECMP (L3 load balance) to avoid this is...
Hello. I've just made a Cisco's xconnect to signal with Extreme's VPWS!
Find the CISCO configuration below:
pseudowire-class PW_CLASS
encapsulation mpls
interworking ethernet
interface GigabitEthernet0/3.666 encapsulation dot1Q 666
Hello Paul,
We´ve just made the same solution as yours to have L3 interface inside the VPWS on the same device. An external loop cable connects a port ending a VPWS VMAN to the other port ending L3 VLAN.
This causes no loop to the switch, as the ...
Then you confirm that an external device is needed to have a routed/managed VPLS? This would be a limitation and other vendor's MPLS switches perform this type of service. This would be important to provide, on the same PE, both L2 (VPLS) and L3 serv...
I´ve gone through the same issue here. We need to have 2 remote switches, running VRRP over a VPLS service. I can't transport the VLAN between these 2 switches through trunk ports, the only way to accomplish this is by using MPLS/VPLS. These 2 switch...